Source: js/Viewport.js


import { Container } from '@pixi/display';
import { Point, Rectangle } from '@pixi/math';
import { Ticker } from '@pixi/ticker';
import { InputManager } from './InputManager';
import { PluginManager } from './PluginManager';
import { Animate, Bounce, Clamp, ClampZoom, Decelerate, Drag, Follow, MouseEdges, Pinch, Snap, SnapZoom, Wheel, } from './plugins';
    screenWidth: window.innerWidth,
    screenHeight: window.innerHeight,
    worldWidth: null,
    worldHeight: null,
    threshold: 5,
    passiveWheel: true,
    stopPropagation: false,
    forceHitArea: null,
    noTicker: false,
    interaction: null,
    disableOnContextMenu: false,
    ticker: Ticker.shared,
 * Main class to use when creating a Viewport
 * @public
 * @fires clicked
 * @fires drag-start
 * @fires drag-end
 * @fires drag-remove
 * @fires pinch-start
 * @fires pinch-end
 * @fires pinch-remove
 * @fires snap-start
 * @fires snap-end
 * @fires snap-remove
 * @fires snap-zoom-start
 * @fires snap-zoom-end
 * @fires snap-zoom-remove
 * @fires bounce-x-start
 * @fires bounce-x-end
 * @fires bounce-y-start
 * @fires bounce-y-end
 * @fires bounce-remove
 * @fires wheel
 * @fires wheel-remove
 * @fires wheel-scroll
 * @fires wheel-scroll-remove
 * @fires mouse-edge-start
 * @fires mouse-edge-end
 * @fires mouse-edge-remove
 * @fires moved
 * @fires moved-end
 * @fires zoomed
 * @fires zoomed-end
 * @fires frame-end
export class Viewport extends Container {
     * @param {IViewportOptions} ViewportOptions
     * @param {number} [options.screenWidth=window.innerWidth]
     * @param {number} [options.screenHeight=window.innerHeight]
     * @param {number} [options.worldWidth=this.width]
     * @param {number} [options.worldHeight=this.height]
     * @param {number} [options.threshold=5] number of pixels to move to trigger an input event (e.g., drag, pinch)
     * or disable a clicked event
     * @param {boolean} [options.passiveWheel=true] whether the 'wheel' event is set to passive (note: if false,
     * e.preventDefault() will be called when wheel is used over the viewport)
     * @param {boolean} [options.stopPropagation=false] whether to stopPropagation of events that impact the viewport
     * (except wheel events, see options.passiveWheel)
     * @param {HitArea} [options.forceHitArea] change the default hitArea from world size to a new value
     * @param {boolean} [options.noTicker] set this if you want to manually call update() function on each frame
     * @param {PIXI.Ticker} [options.ticker=PIXI.Ticker.shared] use this PIXI.ticker for updates
     * @param {PIXI.InteractionManager} [options.interaction=null] InteractionManager, available from instantiated
     * WebGLRenderer/CanvasRenderer.plugins.interaction - used to calculate pointer position relative to canvas
     * location on screen
     * @param {HTMLElement} [options.divWheel=document.body] div to attach the wheel event
     * @param {boolean} [options.disableOnContextMenu] remove oncontextmenu=() => {} from the divWheel element
    constructor(options = {}) {
        this._disableOnContextMenu = (e) => e.preventDefault();
        this.options = Object.assign({}, { divWheel: document.body }, DEFAULT_VIEWPORT_OPTIONS, options);
        this.screenWidth = this.options.screenWidth;
        this.screenHeight = this.options.screenHeight;
        this._worldWidth = this.options.worldWidth;
        this._worldHeight = this.options.worldHeight;
        this.forceHitArea = this.options.forceHitArea;
        this.threshold = this.options.threshold;
        this.options.divWheel = this.options.divWheel || document.body;
        if (this.options.disableOnContextMenu) {
            this.options.divWheel.addEventListener('contextmenu', this._disableOnContextMenu);
        if (!this.options.noTicker) {
            this.tickerFunction = () => this.update(this.options.ticker.elapsedMS);
        this.input = new InputManager(this);
        this.plugins = new PluginManager(this);
    /** Overrides PIXI.Container's destroy to also remove the 'wheel' and PIXI.Ticker listeners */
    destroy(options) {
        if (!this.options.noTicker && this.tickerFunction) {
        if (this.options.disableOnContextMenu) {
            this.options.divWheel.removeEventListener('contextmenu', this._disableOnContextMenu);
     * Update viewport on each frame.
     * By default, you do not need to call this unless you set `options.noTicker=true`.
     * @param {number} elapsed time in milliseconds since last update
    update(elapsed) {
        if (!this.pause) {
            if (this.lastViewport) {
                // Check for moved-end event
                if (this.lastViewport.x !== this.x || this.lastViewport.y !== this.y) {
                    this.moving = true;
                else if (this.moving) {
                    this.emit('moved-end', this);
                    this.moving = false;
                // Check for zoomed-end event
                if (this.lastViewport.scaleX !== this.scale.x || this.lastViewport.scaleY !== this.scale.y) {
                    this.zooming = true;
                else if (this.zooming) {
                    this.emit('zoomed-end', this);
                    this.zooming = false;
            if (!this.forceHitArea) {
                this._hitAreaDefault = new Rectangle(this.left,, this.worldScreenWidth, this.worldScreenHeight);
                this.hitArea = this._hitAreaDefault;
            this._dirty = this._dirty || !this.lastViewport
                || this.lastViewport.x !== this.x || this.lastViewport.y !== this.y
                || this.lastViewport.scaleX !== this.scale.x || this.lastViewport.scaleY !== this.scale.y;
            this.lastViewport = {
                x: this.x,
                y: this.y,
                scaleX: this.scale.x,
                scaleY: this.scale.y
            this.emit('frame-end', this);
     * Use this to set screen and world sizes, needed for pinch/wheel/clamp/bounce.
     * @param {number} screenWidth=window.innerWidth
     * @param {number} screenHeight=window.innerHeight
     * @param {number} [worldWidth]
     * @param {number} [worldHeight]
    resize(screenWidth = window.innerWidth, screenHeight = window.innerHeight, worldWidth, worldHeight) {
        this.screenWidth = screenWidth;
        this.screenHeight = screenHeight;
        if (typeof worldWidth !== 'undefined') {
            this._worldWidth = worldWidth;
        if (typeof worldHeight !== 'undefined') {
            this._worldHeight = worldHeight;
        this.dirty = true;
    /** World width, in pixels */
    get worldWidth() {
        if (this._worldWidth) {
            return this._worldWidth;
        return this.width / this.scale.x;
    set worldWidth(value) {
        this._worldWidth = value;
    /** World height, in pixels */
    get worldHeight() {
        if (this._worldHeight) {
            return this._worldHeight;
        return this.height / this.scale.y;
    set worldHeight(value) {
        this._worldHeight = value;
    /** Get visible world bounds of viewport */
    getVisibleBounds() {
        return new Rectangle(this.left,, this.worldScreenWidth, this.worldScreenHeight);
     * Changes coordinate from screen to world
     * @param {number|PIXI.Point} x
     * @param {number} y
     * @returns {PIXI.Point}
    toWorld(x, y) {
        if (arguments.length === 2) {
            return this.toLocal(new Point(x, y));
        return this.toLocal(x);
     * Changes coordinate from world to screen
     * @param {number|PIXI.Point} x
     * @param {number} y
     * @returns {PIXI.Point}
    toScreen(x, y) {
        if (arguments.length === 2) {
            return this.toGlobal(new Point(x, y));
        return this.toGlobal(x);
    /** Screen width in world coordinates */
    get worldScreenWidth() {
        return this.screenWidth / this.scale.x;
    /** Screen height in world coordinates */
    get worldScreenHeight() {
        return this.screenHeight / this.scale.y;
    /** World width in screen coordinates */
    get screenWorldWidth() {
        return this.worldWidth * this.scale.x;
    /** World height in screen coordinates */
    get screenWorldHeight() {
        return this.worldHeight * this.scale.y;
    /** Center of screen in world coordinates */
    get center() {
        return new Point((this.worldScreenWidth / 2) - (this.x / this.scale.x), (this.worldScreenHeight / 2) - (this.y / this.scale.y));
    set center(value) {
     * Move center of viewport to (x, y)
     * @param {number|PIXI.Point} x
     * @param {number} [y]
     * @return {Viewport}
    moveCenter(...args) {
        let x;
        let y;
        if (typeof args[0] === 'number') {
            x = args[0];
            y = args[1];
        else {
            x = args[0].x;
            y = args[0].y;
        const newX = ((this.worldScreenWidth / 2) - x) * this.scale.x;
        const newY = ((this.worldScreenHeight / 2) - y) * this.scale.y;
        if (this.x !== newX || this.y !== newY) {
            this.position.set(newX, newY);
            this.dirty = true;
        return this;
    /** Top-left corner of Viewport */
    get corner() {
        return new Point(-this.x / this.scale.x, -this.y / this.scale.y);
    set corner(value) {
     * MoveCorner
     * @param {number|PIXI.Point} x
     * @param {number} [y]
     * @returns {Viewport}
    moveCorner(...args) {
        let x;
        let y;
        if (args.length === 1) {
            x = -args[0].x * this.scale.x;
            y = -args[0].y * this.scale.y;
        else {
            x = -args[0] * this.scale.x;
            y = -args[1] * this.scale.y;
        if (x !== this.x || y !== this.y) {
            this.position.set(x, y);
            this.dirty = true;
        return this;
    /** Get how many world pixels fit in screen's width */
    get screenWidthInWorldPixels() {
        return this.screenWidth / this.scale.x;
    /** Get how many world pixels fit on screen's height */
    get screenHeightInWorldPixels() {
        return this.screenHeight / this.scale.y;
     * Find the scale value that fits a world width on the screen
     * does not change the viewport (use fit... to change)
     * @param width - Width in world pixels
     * @return - scale
    findFitWidth(width) {
        return this.screenWidth / width;
     * Finds the scale value that fits a world height on the screens
     * does not change the viewport (use fit... to change)
     * @param height - Height in world pixels
     * @return - scale
    findFitHeight(height) {
        return this.screenHeight / height;
     * Finds the scale value that fits the smaller of a world width and world height on the screen
     * does not change the viewport (use fit... to change)
     * @param {number} width in world pixels
     * @param {number} height in world pixels
     * @returns {number} scale
    findFit(width, height) {
        const scaleX = this.screenWidth / width;
        const scaleY = this.screenHeight / height;
        return Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
     * Finds the scale value that fits the larger of a world width and world height on the screen
     * does not change the viewport (use fit... to change)
     * @param {number} width in world pixels
     * @param {number} height in world pixels
     * @returns {number} scale
    findCover(width, height) {
        const scaleX = this.screenWidth / width;
        const scaleY = this.screenHeight / height;
        return Math.max(scaleX, scaleY);
     * Change zoom so the width fits in the viewport
     * @param width - width in world coordinates
     * @param center - maintain the same center
     * @param scaleY - whether to set scaleY=scaleX
     * @param noClamp - whether to disable clamp-zoom
     * @returns {Viewport} this
    fitWidth(width = this.worldWidth, center, scaleY = true, noClamp) {
        let save;
        if (center) {
            save =;
        this.scale.x = this.screenWidth / width;
        if (scaleY) {
            this.scale.y = this.scale.x;
        const clampZoom = this.plugins.get('clamp-zoom', true);
        if (!noClamp && clampZoom) {
        if (center && save) {
        return this;
     * Change zoom so the height fits in the viewport
     * @param {number} [height=this.worldHeight] in world coordinates
     * @param {boolean} [center] maintain the same center of the screen after zoom
     * @param {boolean} [scaleX=true] whether to set scaleX = scaleY
     * @param {boolean} [noClamp] whether to disable clamp-zoom
     * @returns {Viewport} this
    fitHeight(height = this.worldHeight, center, scaleX = true, noClamp) {
        let save;
        if (center) {
            save =;
        this.scale.y = this.screenHeight / height;
        if (scaleX) {
            this.scale.x = this.scale.y;
        const clampZoom = this.plugins.get('clamp-zoom', true);
        if (!noClamp && clampZoom) {
        if (center && save) {
        return this;
     * Change zoom so it fits the entire world in the viewport
     * @param {boolean} center maintain the same center of the screen after zoom
     * @returns {Viewport} this
    fitWorld(center) {
        let save;
        if (center) {
            save =;
        this.scale.x = this.screenWidth / this.worldWidth;
        this.scale.y = this.screenHeight / this.worldHeight;
        if (this.scale.x < this.scale.y) {
            this.scale.y = this.scale.x;
        else {
            this.scale.x = this.scale.y;
        const clampZoom = this.plugins.get('clamp-zoom', true);
        if (clampZoom) {
        if (center && save) {
        return this;
     * Change zoom so it fits the size or the entire world in the viewport
     * @param {boolean} [center] maintain the same center of the screen after zoom
     * @param {number} [width=this.worldWidth] desired width
     * @param {number} [height=this.worldHeight] desired height
     * @returns {Viewport} this
    fit(center, width = this.worldWidth, height = this.worldHeight) {
        let save;
        if (center) {
            save =;
        this.scale.x = this.screenWidth / width;
        this.scale.y = this.screenHeight / height;
        if (this.scale.x < this.scale.y) {
            this.scale.y = this.scale.x;
        else {
            this.scale.x = this.scale.y;
        const clampZoom = this.plugins.get('clamp-zoom', true);
        if (clampZoom) {
        if (center && save) {
        return this;
     * Zoom viewport to specific value.
     * @param {number} scale value (e.g., 1 would be 100%, 0.25 would be 25%)
     * @param {boolean} [center] maintain the same center of the screen after zoom
     * @return {Viewport} this
    setZoom(scale, center) {
        let save;
        if (center) {
            save =;
        const clampZoom = this.plugins.get('clamp-zoom', true);
        if (clampZoom) {
        if (center && save) {
        return this;
     * Zoom viewport by a certain percent (in both x and y direction).
     * @param {number} percent change (e.g., 0.25 would increase a starting scale of 1.0 to 1.25)
     * @param {boolean} [center] maintain the same center of the screen after zoom
     * @return {Viewport} this
    zoomPercent(percent, center) {
        return this.setZoom(this.scale.x + (this.scale.x * percent), center);
     * Zoom viewport by increasing/decreasing width by a certain number of pixels.
     * @param {number} change in pixels
     * @param {boolean} [center] maintain the same center of the screen after zoom
     * @return {Viewport} this
    zoom(change, center) {
        this.fitWidth(change + this.worldScreenWidth, center);
        return this;
    /** Changes scale of viewport and maintains center of viewport */
    get scaled() {
        return this.scale.x;
    set scaled(scale) {
        this.setZoom(scale, true);
     * Returns zoom to the desired scale
     * @param {ISnapZoomOptions} options
     * @param {number} [options.width=0] - the desired width to snap (to maintain aspect ratio, choose width or height)
     * @param {number} [options.height=0] - the desired height to snap (to maintain aspect ratio, choose width or height)
     * @param {number} [options.time=1000] - time for snapping in ms
     * @param {(string|function)} [options.ease=easeInOutSine] ease function or name (see
     *   for supported names)
     * @param {PIXI.Point} [] - place this point at center during zoom instead of center of the viewport
     * @param {boolean} [options.interrupt=true] - pause snapping with any user input on the viewport
     * @param {boolean} [options.removeOnComplete] - removes this plugin after snapping is complete
     * @param {boolean} [options.removeOnInterrupt] - removes this plugin if interrupted by any user input
     * @param {boolean} [options.forceStart] - starts the snap immediately regardless of whether the viewport is at the
     *   desired zoom
     * @param {boolean} [options.noMove] - zoom but do not move
    snapZoom(options) {
        this.plugins.add('snap-zoom', new SnapZoom(this, options));
        return this;
    /** Is container out of world bounds */
    OOB() {
        return {
            left: this.left < 0,
            right: this.right > this.worldWidth,
            top: < 0,
            bottom: this.bottom > this.worldHeight,
            cornerPoint: new Point((this.worldWidth * this.scale.x) - this.screenWidth, (this.worldHeight * this.scale.y) - this.screenHeight)
    /** World coordinates of the right edge of the screen */
    get right() {
        return (-this.x / this.scale.x) + this.worldScreenWidth;
    set right(value) {
        this.x = (-value * this.scale.x) + this.screenWidth;
    /** World coordinates of the left edge of the screen */
    get left() {
        return -this.x / this.scale.x;
    set left(value) {
        this.x = -value * this.scale.x;
    /** World coordinates of the top edge of the screen */
    get top() {
        return -this.y / this.scale.y;
    set top(value) {
        this.y = -value * this.scale.y;
    /** World coordinates of the bottom edge of the screen */
    get bottom() {
        return (-this.y / this.scale.y) + this.worldScreenHeight;
    set bottom(value) {
        this.y = (-value * this.scale.y) + this.screenHeight;
     * Determines whether the viewport is dirty (i.e., needs to be rendered to the screen because of a change)
    get dirty() {
        return !!this._dirty;
    set dirty(value) {
        this._dirty = value;
     * Permanently changes the Viewport's hitArea
     * NOTE: if not set then hitArea = PIXI.Rectangle(Viewport.left,, Viewport.worldScreenWidth,
     * Viewport.worldScreenHeight)
    get forceHitArea() {
        return this._forceHitArea;
    set forceHitArea(value) {
        if (value) {
            this._forceHitArea = value;
            this.hitArea = value;
        else {
            this._forceHitArea = null;
            this.hitArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.worldWidth, this.worldHeight);
     * Enable one-finger touch to drag
     * NOTE: if you expect users to use right-click dragging, you should enable `viewport.options.disableOnContextMenu`
     * to avoid the context menu popping up on each right-click drag.
     * @param {IDragOptions} [options]
     * @param {string} [options.direction=all] direction to drag
     * @param {boolean} [options.pressDrag=true] whether click to drag is active
     * @param {boolean} [options.wheel=true] use wheel to scroll in direction (unless wheel plugin is active)
     * @param {number} [options.wheelScroll=1] number of pixels to scroll with each wheel spin
     * @param {boolean} [options.reverse] reverse the direction of the wheel scroll
     * @param {(boolean|string)} [options.clampWheel=false] clamp wheel(to avoid weird bounce with mouse wheel)
     * @param {string} [options.underflow=center] where to place world if too small for screen
     * @param {number} [options.factor=1] factor to multiply drag to increase the speed of movement
     * @param {string} [options.mouseButtons=all] changes which mouse buttons trigger drag, use: 'all', 'left',
     *  'right' 'middle', or some combination, like, 'middle-right'; you may want to set
     *   viewport.options.disableOnContextMenu if you want to use right-click dragging
     * @param {string[]} [options.keyToPress=null] - array containing
     *  {@link key|} codes of keys that can be
     *  pressed for the drag to be triggered, e.g.: ['ShiftLeft', 'ShiftRight'}.
     * @param {boolean} [options.ignoreKeyToPressOnTouch=false] - ignore keyToPress for touch events
     * @param {number} [options.lineHeight=20] - scaling factor for non-DOM_DELTA_PIXEL scrolling events
     * @returns {Viewport} this
    drag(options) {
        this.plugins.add('drag', new Drag(this, options));
        return this;
     * Clamp to world boundaries or other provided boundaries
     * There are three ways to clamp:
     * 1. direction: 'all' = the world is clamped to its world boundaries, ie, you cannot drag any part of offscreen
     *    direction: 'x' | 'y' = only the x or y direction is clamped to its world boundary
     * 2. left, right, top, bottom = true | number = the world is clamped to the world's pixel location for each side;
     *    if any of these are set to true, then the location is set to the boundary
     *    [0, viewport.worldWidth/viewport.worldHeight], eg: to allow the world to be completely dragged offscreen,
     *    set [-viewport.worldWidth, -viewport.worldHeight, viewport.worldWidth * 2, viewport.worldHeight * 2]
     * Underflow determines what happens when the world is smaller than the viewport
     * 1. none = the world is clamped but there is no special behavior
     * 2. center = the world is centered on the viewport
     * 3. combination of top/bottom/center and left/right/center (case insensitive) = the world is stuck to the
     *     appropriate boundaries
     * NOTES:
     *   clamp is disabled if called with no options; use { direction: 'all' } for all edge clamping
     *   screenWidth, screenHeight, worldWidth, and worldHeight needs to be set for this to work properly
     * @param {object} [options]
     * @param {(number|boolean)} [options.left=false] - clamp left; true = 0
     * @param {(number|boolean)} [options.right=false] - clamp right; true = viewport.worldWidth
     * @param {(number|boolean)} [] - clamp top; true = 0
     * @param {(number|boolean)} [options.bottom=false] - clamp bottom; true = viewport.worldHeight
     * @param {string} [direction] - (all, x, or y) using clamps of [0, viewport.worldWidth/viewport.worldHeight];
     *  replaces left/right/top/bottom if set
     * @param {string} [underflow=center] - where to place world if too small for screen (e.g., top-right, center,
     *  none, bottomLeft)     * @returns {Viewport} this
    clamp(options) {
        this.plugins.add('clamp', new Clamp(this, options));
        return this;
     * Decelerate after a move
     * NOTE: this fires 'moved' event during deceleration
     * @param {IDecelerateOptions} [options]
     * @param {number} [options.friction=0.95] - percent to decelerate after movement
     * @param {number} [options.bounce=0.8] - percent to decelerate when past boundaries (only applicable when
     *   viewport.bounce() is active)
     * @param {number} [options.minSpeed=0.01] - minimum velocity before stopping/reversing acceleration
     * @return {Viewport} this
    decelerate(options) {
        this.plugins.add('decelerate', new Decelerate(this, options));
        return this;
     * Bounce on borders
     * NOTES:
     *    screenWidth, screenHeight, worldWidth, and worldHeight needs to be set for this to work properly
     *    fires 'moved', 'bounce-x-start', 'bounce-y-start', 'bounce-x-end', and 'bounce-y-end' events
     * @param {object} [options]
     * @param {string} [options.sides=all] - all, horizontal, vertical, or combination of top, bottom, right, left
     *  (e.g., 'top-bottom-right')
     * @param {number} [options.friction=0.5] - friction to apply to decelerate if active
     * @param {number} [options.time=150] - time in ms to finish bounce
     * @param {object} [options.bounceBox] - use this bounceBox instead of (0, 0, viewport.worldWidth, viewport.worldHeight)
     * @param {number} [options.bounceBox.x=0]
     * @param {number} [options.bounceBox.y=0]
     * @param {number} [options.bounceBox.width=viewport.worldWidth]
     * @param {number} [options.bounceBox.height=viewport.worldHeight]
     * @param {string|function} [options.ease=easeInOutSine] - ease function or name
     *  (see for supported names)
     * @param {string} [options.underflow=center] - (top/bottom/center and left/right/center, or center)
     *  where to place world if too small for screen
     * @return {Viewport} this
    bounce(options) {
        this.plugins.add('bounce', new Bounce(this, options));
        return this;
     * Enable pinch to zoom and two-finger touch to drag
     * @param {PinchOptions} [options]
     * @param {boolean} [options.noDrag] - disable two-finger dragging
     * @param {number} [options.percent=1] - percent to modify pinch speed
     * @param {number} [options.factor=1] - factor to multiply two-finger drag to increase the speed of movement
     * @param {PIXI.Point} [] - place this point at center during zoom instead of center of two fingers
     * @param {('all'|'x'|'y')} [options.axis=all] - axis to zoom
     * @return {Viewport} this
    pinch(options) {
        this.plugins.add('pinch', new Pinch(this, options));
        return this;
     * Snap to a point
     * @param {number} x
     * @param {number} y
     * @param {ISnapOptions} [options]
     * @param {boolean} [options.topLeft] - snap to the top-left of viewport instead of center
     * @param {number} [options.friction=0.8] - friction/frame to apply if decelerate is active
     * @param {number} [options.time=1000] - time in ms to snap
     * @param {string|function} [options.ease=easeInOutSine] - ease function or name (see
     *   for supported names)
     * @param {boolean} [options.interrupt=true] - pause snapping with any user input on the viewport
     * @param {boolean} [options.removeOnComplete] - removes this plugin after snapping is complete
     * @param {boolean} [options.removeOnInterrupt] - removes this plugin if interrupted by any user input
     * @param {boolean} [options.forceStart] - starts the snap immediately regardless of whether the viewport is at
     *   the desired location
     * @return {Viewport} this
    snap(x, y, options) {
        this.plugins.add('snap', new Snap(this, x, y, options));
        return this;
     * Follow a target
     * NOTES:
     *    uses the (x, y) as the center to follow; for PIXI.Sprite to work properly, use sprite.anchor.set(0.5)
     *    options.acceleration is not perfect as it doesn't know the velocity of the target. It adds acceleration
     *    to the start of movement and deceleration to the end of movement when the target is stopped.
     *    To cancel the follow, use: `viewport.plugins.remove('follow')`
     * @fires 'moved' event
     * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} target to follow
     * @param {IFollowOptions} [options]
     * @param {number} [options.speed=0] - to follow in pixels/frame (0=teleport to location)
     * @param {number} [options.acceleration] - set acceleration to accelerate and decelerate at this rate; speed
     *   cannot be 0 to use acceleration
     * @param {number} [options.radius] - radius (in world coordinates) of center circle where movement is allowed
     *   without moving the viewport     * @returns {Viewport} this
     * @returns {Viewport} this
    follow(target, options) {
        this.plugins.add('follow', new Follow(this, target, options));
        return this;
     * Zoom using mouse wheel
     * NOTE: the default event listener for 'wheel' event is document.body. Use `Viewport.options.divWheel` to
     * change this default
     * @param {IWheelOptions} [options]
     * @param {number} [options.percent=0.1] - percent to scroll with each spin
     * @param {number} [options.smooth] - smooth the zooming by providing the number of frames to zoom between wheel spins
     * @param {boolean} [options.interrupt=true] - stop smoothing with any user input on the viewport
     * @param {boolean} [options.reverse] - reverse the direction of the scroll
     * @param {PIXI.Point} [] - place this point at center during zoom instead of current mouse position
     * @param {number} [options.lineHeight=20] - scaling factor for non-DOM_DELTA_PIXEL scrolling events
     * @param {('all'|'x'|'y')} [options.axis=all] - axis to zoom
     * @return {Viewport} this
    wheel(options) {
        this.plugins.add('wheel', new Wheel(this, options));
        return this;
     * Animate the position and/or scale of the viewport
     * To set the zoom level, use: (1) scale, (2) scaleX and scaleY, or (3) width and/or height
     * @param {object} options
     * @param {number} [options.time=1000] - time to animate
     * @param {PIXI.Point} [] - position to move viewport
     * @param {number} [options.width] - desired viewport width in world pixels (use instead of scale;
     *  aspect ratio is maintained if height is not provided)
     * @param {number} [options.height] - desired viewport height in world pixels (use instead of scale;
     *  aspect ratio is maintained if width is not provided)
     * @param {number} [options.scale] - scale to change zoom (scale.x = scale.y)
     * @param {number} [options.scaleX] - independently change zoom in x-direction
     * @param {number} [options.scaleY] - independently change zoom in y-direction
     * @param {(function|string)} [options.ease=linear] - easing function to use
     * @param {function} [options.callbackOnComplete]
     * @param {boolean} [options.removeOnInterrupt] removes this plugin if interrupted by any user input
     * @returns {Viewport} this
    animate(options) {
        this.plugins.add('animate', new Animate(this, options));
        return this;
     * Enable clamping of zoom to constraints
     * The minWidth/Height settings are how small the world can get (as it would appear on the screen)
     * before clamping. The maxWidth/maxHeight is how larger the world can scale (as it would appear on
     * the screen) before clamping.
     * For example, if you have a world size of 1000 x 1000 and a screen size of 100 x 100, if you set
     * minWidth/Height = 100 then the world will not be able to zoom smaller than the screen size (ie,
     * zooming out so it appears smaller than the screen). Similarly, if you set maxWidth/Height = 100
     * the world will not be able to zoom larger than the screen size (ie, zooming in so it appears
     * larger than the screen).
     * @param {object} [options]
     * @param {number} [options.minWidth] - minimum width
     * @param {number} [options.minHeight] - minimum height
     * @param {number} [options.maxWidth] - maximum width
     * @param {number} [options.maxHeight] - maximum height
     * @param {number} [options.minScale] - minimum scale
     * @param {number} [options.maxScale] - minimum scale
     * @return {Viewport} this
    clampZoom(options) {
        this.plugins.add('clamp-zoom', new ClampZoom(this, options));
        return this;
     * Scroll viewport when mouse hovers near one of the edges or radius-distance from center of screen.
     * NOTES: fires 'moved' event; there's a known bug where the mouseEdges does not work properly with "windowed" viewports
     * @param {IMouseEdgesOptions} [options]
     * @param {number} [options.radius] - distance from center of screen in screen pixels
     * @param {number} [options.distance] - distance from all sides in screen pixels
     * @param {number} [] - alternatively, set top distance (leave unset for no top scroll)
     * @param {number} [options.bottom] - alternatively, set bottom distance (leave unset for no top scroll)
     * @param {number} [options.left] - alternatively, set left distance (leave unset for no top scroll)
     * @param {number} [options.right] - alternatively, set right distance (leave unset for no top scroll)
     * @param {number} [options.speed=8] - speed in pixels/frame to scroll viewport
     * @param {boolean} [options.reverse] - reverse direction of scroll
     * @param {boolean} [options.noDecelerate] - don't use decelerate plugin even if it's installed
     * @param {boolean} [options.linear] - if using radius, use linear movement (+/- 1, +/- 1) instead of angled
     *   movement (Math.cos(angle from center), Math.sin(angle from center))
     * @param {boolean} [options.allowButtons] allows plugin to continue working even when there's a mousedown event
    mouseEdges(options) {
        this.plugins.add('mouse-edges', new MouseEdges(this, options));
        return this;
    /** Pause viewport (including animation updates such as decelerate) */
    get pause() {
        return !!this._pause;
    set pause(value) {
        this._pause = value;
        this.lastViewport = null;
        this.moving = false;
        this.zooming = false;
        if (value) {
     * Move the viewport so the bounding box is visible
     * @param x - left
     * @param y - top
     * @param width
     * @param height
     * @param resizeToFit - Resize the viewport so the box fits within the viewport
    ensureVisible(x, y, width, height, resizeToFit) {
        if (resizeToFit && (width > this.worldScreenWidth || height > this.worldScreenHeight)) {
  , width, height);
            this.emit('zoomed', { viewport: this, type: 'ensureVisible' });
        let moved = false;
        if (x < this.left) {
            this.left = x;
            moved = true;
        else if (x + width > this.right) {
            this.right = x + width;
            moved = true;
        if (y < {
   = y;
            moved = true;
        else if (y + height > this.bottom) {
            this.bottom = y + height;
            moved = true;
        if (moved) {
            this.emit('moved', { viewport: this, type: 'ensureVisible' });
 * Fires after a mouse or touch click
 * @event Viewport#clicked
 * @type {object}
 * @property {PIXI.Point} screen
 * @property {PIXI.Point} world
 * @property {Viewport} viewport
 * Fires when a drag starts
 * @event Viewport#drag-start
 * @type {object}
 * @property {PIXI.Point} screen
 * @property {PIXI.Point} world
 * @property {Viewport} viewport
 * Fires when a drag ends
 * @event Viewport#drag-end
 * @type {object}
 * @property {PIXI.Point} screen
 * @property {PIXI.Point} world
 * @property {Viewport} viewport
 * Fires when a pinch starts
 * @event Viewport#pinch-start
 * @type {Viewport}
 * Fires when a pinch end
 * @event Viewport#pinch-end
 * @type {Viewport}
 * Fires when a snap starts
 * @event Viewport#snap-start
 * @type {Viewport}
 * Fires when a snap ends
 * @event Viewport#snap-end
 * @type {Viewport}
 * Fires when a snap-zoom starts
 * @event Viewport#snap-zoom-start
 * @type {Viewport}
 * Fires when a snap-zoom ends
 * @event Viewport#snap-zoom-end
 * @type {Viewport}
 * Fires when a bounce starts in the x direction
 * @event Viewport#bounce-x-start
 * @type {Viewport}
 * Fires when a bounce ends in the x direction
 * @event Viewport#bounce-x-end
 * @type {Viewport}
 * Fires when a bounce starts in the y direction
 * @event Viewport#bounce-y-start
 * @type {Viewport}
 * Fires when a bounce ends in the y direction
 * @event Viewport#bounce-y-end
 * @type {Viewport}
 * Fires when for a mouse wheel event
 * @event Viewport#wheel
 * @type {object}
 * @property {object} wheel
 * @property {number} wheel.dx
 * @property {number} wheel.dy
 * @property {number}
 * @property {Viewport} viewport
 * Fires when a wheel-scroll occurs
 * @event Viewport#wheel-scroll
 * @type {Viewport}
 * Fires when a mouse-edge starts to scroll
 * @event Viewport#mouse-edge-start
 * @type {Viewport}
 * Fires when the mouse-edge scrolling ends
 * @event Viewport#mouse-edge-end
 * @type {Viewport}
 * Fires when viewport moves through UI interaction, deceleration, ensureVisible, or follow
 * @event Viewport#moved
 * @type {object}
 * @property {Viewport} viewport
 * @property {string} type - (drag, snap, pinch, follow, bounce-x, bounce-y,
 *  clamp-x, clamp-y, decelerate, mouse-edges, wheel, ensureVisible)
 * Fires when viewport moves through UI interaction, deceleration, ensureVisible, or follow
 * @event Viewport#zoomed
 * @type {object}
 * @property {Viewport} viewport
 * @property {string} type (drag-zoom, pinch, wheel, clamp-zoom, ensureVisible)
 * Fires when viewport stops moving
 * @event Viewport#moved-end
 * @type {Viewport}
 * Fires when viewport stops zooming
 * @event Viewport#zoomed-end
 * @type {Viewport}
* Fires at the end of an update frame
* @event Viewport#frame-end
* @type {Viewport}