import Penner from 'penner'
import Events from 'eventemitter3'
import { Easing } from './easing'
const easeOptions = {
duration: 1000,
ease: Penner.easeInOutSine,
maxFrame: 1000 / 60,
ticker: null,
useRAF: true
* Manages a group of eases
* @extends EventEmitter
* @example
* import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js'
* import { Ease, ease } from 'pixi-ease'
* const app = new PIXI.Application()
* const test = app.stage.addChild(new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.WHITE))
* const move = ease.add(test, { x: 20, y: 15, alpha: 0.25 }, { reverse: true })
* move.once('complete', () => console.log('move ease complete.'))
* test.generic = 25
* const generic = ease.add(test, { generic: 0 }, { duration: 1500, ease: 'easeOutQuad' })
* generic.on('each', () => console.log(test.generic))
* const secondEase = new Ease({ duration: 3000, ease: 'easeInBack' })
* const test2 = app.stage.addChild(new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.Texture.WHITE))
* test2.tint = 0x0000ff
* secondEase.add(test2, { blend: [0xff0000, 0x00ff00], scale: 2 })
export class Ease extends Events
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {number} [options.duration=1000] default duration if not set
* @param {(string|function)} [options.ease=Penner.easeInOutSine] default ease function if not set (see {@link} for names of easing functions)
* @param {boolean} [option.useRAF=true] attach to a requestAnimationFrame listener
* @param {PIXI.Ticker} [options.ticker] attach to a PIXI.Ticker instead of RAF
* @param {number} [options.maxFrame=1000/60] maximum frame time (set to Infinity to ignore); only used if useTicker = true
* @fires Ease#complete
* @fires Ease#each
this.options = Object.assign({}, easeOptions, options)
this.easings = []
this.empty = true
if (this.options.ticker)
this.options.ticker.add(this.update, this)
* removes all eases and tickers
if (this.options.useTicker)
this.ticker.remove(this.update, this)
else if (this.options.useRAF)
this.handleRAF = null
* add ease(s) to a PIXI.DisplayObject element
* @param {(PIXI.DisplayObject|PIXI.DisplayObject[])} element
* @param {object} params
* @param {number} [params.x]
* @param {number} [params.y]
* @param {(PIXI.DisplayObject|PIXI.Point)} [params.position] changes both x and y
* @param {number} [params.width]
* @param {number} [params.height]
* @param {number} [params.scale] changes both scale.x and scale.y
* @param {number} [params.scaleX]
* @param {number} [params.scaleY]
* @param {number} [params.alpha]
* @param {number} [params.rotation]
* @param {(PIXI.DisplayObject|PIXI.Point)} [params.face] rotate the element to face a DisplayObject using the closest angle
* @param {number} [params.skew] changes both skew.x and skew.y
* @param {number} [params.skewX]
* @param {number} [params.skewY]
* @param {(number|number[])} [params.tint] cycle through colors - if number is provided then it cycles between current tint and number; if number[] is provided is cycles only between tints in the number[]
* @param {(number|number[])} [params.blend] blend between colors - if number is provided then it blends current tint to number; if number[] is provided then it blends between the tints in the number[]
* @param {number} [params.shake] shakes the object by this number (randomly placing the element +/-shake pixels away from starting point)
* @param {number} [params.*] generic number parameter
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {number} [options.duration]
* @param {(string|function)} [options.ease]
* @param {(boolean|number)} [options.repeat]
* @param {boolean} [options.reverse]
* @param {number} [options.wait] wait this number of milliseconds before ease starts
* @returns {Easing}
add(element, params, options)
options = options || {}
options.duration = typeof options.duration !== 'undefined' ? options.duration : this.options.duration
options.ease = options.ease || this.options.ease
if (typeof options.ease === 'string')
options.ease = Penner[options.ease]
const easing = new Easing(element, params, options)
if (this.empty && this.options.useRAF)
this.handleRAF = requestAnimationFrame(() => this.update())
this.lastTime =
this.empty = false
return easing
* create an ease that changes position (x, y) of the element by moving to the target at the speed
* NOTE: under the hood this calls add(element, { x, y }, { duration: <calculated speed based on distance and speed> })
* @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} element
* @param {(PIXI.DisplayObject|PIXI.Point)} target
* @param {number} speed in pixels / ms
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {(string|function)} [options.ease]
* @param {(boolean|number)} [options.repeat]
* @param {boolean} [options.reverse]
* @param {number} [options.wait] wait this number of milliseconds before ease starts
* @param {boolean} [options.removeExisting] removes existing eases on the element of the same type (including x,y/position, skewX,skewY/skew, scaleX,scaleY/scale)
* @returns {Easing}
target(element, target, speed, options)
const duration = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(element.x - target.x, 2) + Math.pow(element.y - target.y, 2)) / speed
options = options || {}
options.duration = duration
return this.add(element, { x: target.x, y: target.y }, options)
* helper function to add an ease that changes rotation to face the element at the desired target using the speed
* NOTE: under the hood this calls add(element {x, y }, { duration: <calculated speed based on shortest rotation and speed> })
* @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} element
* @param {(PIXI.DisplayObject|PIXI.Point)} target
* @param {number} speed in radians / ms
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {(string|function)} [options.ease]
* @param {(boolean|number)} [options.repeat]
* @param {boolean} [options.reverse]
* @param {number} [options.wait] wait this number of milliseconds before ease starts
* @returns {Easing}
face(element, target, speed, options)
const shortestAngle = Easing.shortestAngle(element.rotation, Math.atan2(target.y - element.y, target.x - element.x))
const duration = Math.abs(shortestAngle - element.rotation) / speed
options = options || {}
options.duration = duration
return this.add(element, { rotation: shortestAngle }, options)
* removes one or more eases from a DisplayObject
* WARNING: 'complete' events will not fire for these removals
* @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} element
* @param {(string|string[])} [param] omit to remove all easings for an element
removeEase(element, param)
for (let i = 0; i < this.easings.length; i++)
if (this.easings[i].remove(element, param))
this.easings.splice(i, 1)
if (this.easings.length === 0)
this.empty = true
if (this.options.useRAF && this.handleRAF)
this.handleRAF = null
* remove all easings
* WARNING: 'complete' events will not fire for these removals
this.easings = []
this.empty = true
if (this.options.useRAF && this.handleRAF)
this.handleRAF = null
* update frame; this is called automatically if options.useTicker !== false
* @param {number} elapsed time in ms since last frame
if (this.options.useTicker)
elapsed = this.ticker.elapsedMS
else if (this.options.useRAF)
const now =
elapsed = now - this.lastTime
this.lastTime = now
elapsed = Math.min(elapsed, this.options.maxFrame)
if (!this.empty)
const list = this.easings.slice(0)
for (let easing of list)
if (easing.update(elapsed))
this.easings.splice(this.easings.indexOf(easing), 1)
this.emit('each', this)
if (this.easings.length === 0)
this.empty = true
this.emit('complete', this)
if (this.options.useRAF && this.easings.length)
this.handleRAF = requestAnimationFrame(() => this.update())
this.handleRAF = null
* number of easings
* @type {number}
get count()
return this.easings.length
* number of active easings across all elements
* @returns {number}
let count = 0
for (let entry of this.easings)
count += entry.count
return count
* default duration for eases.add() (only applies to newly added eases)
* @type {number}
set duration(duration)
this.options.duration = duration
get duration()
return this.options.duration
* default ease for eases.add() (only applies to newly added eases)
* @type {(string|Function)}
set ease(ease)
this.options.ease = ease
get ease()
return this.options.ease
// manages the ids used to define the DisplayObject ease variable (enabled multiple eases attached to the same object) = 0
* default instantiated Ease class
* @type {Ease}
export let ease = new Ease()
Ease.ease = ease
export class List
console.warn('Ease.List was deprecated. Use new Ease() instead.')
* fires when there are no more eases
* @event Ease#complete
* @type {Ease}
* fires on each loop when there are eases running
* @event Ease#each
* @type {Ease}